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The Team

Orr Marom

Group Leader/Software Developer

  • orr_git

Managed team members responsibilites and JIRA tasks. Primarily worked on creating pattern recognition software to read brainwave data from Brainflow and recognize a predetermined action (ie. eye blink). Used Pyautogui to interact with the computer(cursor control, keyboard shortcuts) after a pattern is recognized. Also worked on integrating the pattern recognition and computer interaction software into the GUI.

Concrete Wall

Joshua Aguilar

Assistant Lead/ Software Developer

  • joshua_git

Assisted with project management. Worked on all aspects of the project including the GUI and brainwave acquisition. Finally, worked collaboratively on the cursor movement component based on the BrainFlow library.


Tony Villicana

Software Developer

  • tony_git

Worked with the developmental structure of the user interface for the cursor control program. Assisted on the cursor movement component for structuring the cursor control movement.

Mohammad Sharif Pour

UI Developer

  • mohammad_git

Assisted on aspects of the project including the GUI. Worked collaboratively on the cursor movement component based on the Brainflow library.

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