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Welcome to the Big Brain Family!


Connecting the Headset

Getting Started

  •   Choosing the correct headset

    • Before you begin to control your mouse with your headset be aware that there are certain requirements.

      • The headset must be an open-source product, in order to work with the software. A headset from Emotiv would not work due to the pay wall constraints.

      • The recommended headsets to use are found on the openBCI ( website in which this project was tested using such devices.

  • Getting Connected

    • Follow your EEG board manufacturers instructions for the physical hardware setup

    • Upon opening the software, you will see options on the left side of the screen.

      •  The button labeled “connect headset” will allow you to connect and use the cursor.

Saving Data

Data Saving

  • Our software allows users to easily save their EEG data readings.

  • In order to save your streamed readings, simply head over to the GUI interface of Big Brain

    • The button labeled “Save Data” will allow you to store the data into a csv file that will be located on the desktop of your computer.

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Settings Page

Settings Page

  • The settings page will allow you to customize the way you interact with this software

    • For instance, you can customize the speed of the cursor by setting the rate of speed that is comfortable for you to control with your headset.

    • This page will also allow you to change between your COM ports on your computer

    • The ability to dismiss certain channels and focus on a specific reading

      • Ability to view you just the gamma readings and focus on how your jaw clenching is detected.

    • Will also allow you to switch between boards.

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