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Skills Used

Group Communication

Group communication plays a huge role for our project's success. The group has met collaboratively in meetings from the start of the semester to address issues and deadlines. Most importantly the use of Discord in which allowed all team members to meet and analyze brain wave patterns from the EEG headset, to distinguish functionality on how the headset will function with our intended goal. Communication is a vital factor for our project as we meet with one another to perform demos or go over issues we are experiencing.   

Image by Alexander Shatov

Time Management

Time management is a skill our group has excelled vibrantly in as we have addressed issues and assignments in a timely scheduled pace. As a group we have meet deadlines when they are set and have worked well with each group members tentative schedules. A key important thing we have learned about last semester is that time is crucial and we continue excelling in accomplishing our agendas in an outstanding timely manner. 

Image by Aron Visuals

Group Collaboration

Group contribution plays a huge role for this projects triumph as we must collaboratively work with one another and perform at the same level as one another, because we are not able to meet in person due to restrictions collaboration is extremely crucial. As a group we have been scheduling meetings to discuss work distribution in which will allow for us to meet the intended timeline we had discussed with our stake holders.

Image by krakenimages
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